a few last thoughts as a 22-year-old — molly yeh

a few last thoughts as a 22-year-old

tonight i am ringing in my birthday with a few almond candles, a glass of amaretto, and a corn dog. das lied is playing as a prelude to the annual adagietto. fratres played all day. 
i am rather excited to close out 22, tie a nice little bow on it, and store it in the bank as one of my better, sillier, funner years. this whole not being in school thing is really fantastic. i feel a little bit like a geezer, a little bit amaretto-y. let me tell you the things i think i learned during my year of being 22:
{1} a croissant or six is totally ok if you're pms-ing. and totally ok if you're not pms-ing.
{2} when in doubt, clean your room, cook something, or go on a bike ride. do not be still.
{3} a midnight nacho-eating-molly is a happy molly, so is a molly who bikes 25 miles in a day.
{4} trader joe's corn dogs and kimchi fried rice are dirty good.
{5} hong kong is the love of my life. 
{6} so is a well-roasted brussels sprout.
{7} the difference between i wanna go, i should go, i'll feel like butt if i go, i'll feel great if i go. 
{8} the art of vibe. {actually i'm still working on this one.}
{9} that it's ok to be unsure about nearly everything. what am i saying, i'm still working on this one too.
perhaps 23-year-old molly will learn how to: not bite nails, make choices more easily, and prepare a mean soufflé. perhaps she'll get a tattoo piercing, perhaps she'll love mushrooms. 
it's nearly adagietto time.
goodnight, my wonderful, brilliant, beautiful friends. see you on the other side!