morning things that make me happy, in no particular order:
1. eggs
2. eggboy
3. eggboy strum strum strumming on his guitar
3. eggs in a basket
4. toads in a hole
5. hole in the middles
6. coffee
7. hole in the middles made by mum
8. hole in the middles made by other people (even when eggboy makes them and breaks the yolk, which happens 100% of the time)
9. skyr with cacao nibs
so what i am saying is that the hole in the middle is my desert island breakfast, my ultimate morning comfort food, my favorite way of celebrating the new day. there was a time in my early years when i ate these guys every single day, and during that time my mum nailed down the science behind perfecting it: crispy toasted bread, firm whites, a runny yolk, almost too much salt and pepper (which means that it's just right).
in those days i ate it by first poking at the yolk until it broke, dipping the circle into the runny part, and then eventually working my way out to the crust. i always left the smiling crust.
my approach these days is more of a fork and knife method. i cut off a corner or cut out a triangle, i eat all of the mothership trying to get a good egg to bread ratio in each bite, and then i sop up the remaining yolk with the circle, leaving behind a crystal clean plate.
i like to think that as my mother's daughter, i have inherited the hole in the middle gene, so today i am sharing the family hole in the middle recipe over on cup of jo! it's followed by a few fun variations that include kale, pesto, avocado, and (my new favorite) pimiento cheese. check it out here!