the big fat snow flakes that fell from the sky,
the cake with our smiling eggs, a marzipan heart, halva, and gold,
my new family,
my old one,
the lace from stoopie's wedding dress tied to my bouquet with a bracelet from mia,
a crab brooch from china and a cuff from mum's mum as my something blue,
the sound of the fugue as we walked down the aisle through a sea of love and rosemary, to eggboy with his egg tears.
john's perfect speech, the cell phone soundtrack to our vows, the smooches, the sprinkles, the shawls that kept my bridesmaids warm,
eating all of the challah and prosciutto for the buffer for all of the aquavit that fueled the chorus line, the conga line, the hora, and cyndi lauper sing along,
the perfectly timed dinner bell, the late night grilled cheese covered in tons and tons of ketchup, the later night papa john's soaked in garlic butter, the smiley faces and the dancing, the perfect cake, the perfect pies, the perfect soup, the big big hugs,
and my husband.
my husband.

-yeh! (hagen!)
thank you to our amazing photographers, chantell and brett for these photos!!! more photos to come :)