
week 15: motorino

i don't know when it began,
but a while back i made a trip home from school,
and friday night was magically instated by mum as 
pizza night.

it was either,

a) in an effort to regulate our pizza intake
so that we could either  
[1] have a night where we wouldn't have to feel terribly guilty about indulging in cheese and grease not that i do anyways or 
[2] limit ourselves to one night a week because otherwise some of us would eat it every day


b) in an effort to not slave in the kitchen for one day a week


c) as a continuation of "b," observe the shabbos 
kidding. if that were true we probably wouldn't be ordering pepperoni. 

as a result,
we've become pretty well versed in pizza in the suburbs of chicago
{which pretty much means we get lou mal's every friday that i'm home}
but in preparation for last week's visit,
mum and i saved our friday night pizza night for monday night so that we wouldn't have to wait seven hours for a table at

in the east village.

because when you've got rachel ray calling motorino the best pizza on the east coast  in her march madness pizza bracket,

there's obv gonna be a line out the door.

since dining at odd hours is apparently my expertise,
we were able to walk in late on a monday night sans line.
yay yipee!!

since everything looked so good,
and also sometimes in a foreign language,
we had miss waitress decide for us,

"one red and one white"

so we got

basil, olive oil, sea salt


soppressata piccante
mozzarella, spicy soppressata, garlic, oregano

and when the stracciatella came out first,
i ate the first piece so fast
that i forgot to enjoy it!

so i had another.
and another.
and then shared the love with the soppressata 
and couldn't get enough of that either...

until both pizzas were all gone and i wanted to puke my brains out

but darn, it was worth it.

the texture of the crust in this pizza napoletana thing is just so addictive
and the slightly burnt/smokey taste adds another element,
that makes you feel way glamorous in the process of stuffing your face.
i preferred the stracciatella,
mainly because of the massive amounts of cheese
{tummy didn't like me for that one though}
the soppressata was very good, 
although i wasn't ohmygod wild about it.
it had overtones of cheetos. 
and i wanted more cheese.

really, it's all about the crust.
chewy, doughy, and soft in the middle, 
 a bit crispy on the outside
i think i could live off the stuff.

to add to the excitement of our delicious meal,
entertainment arrived mid-pie in the form of the owner pulling up in a taxi,
having just been at le poisson rouge for the
and delivered the readers' choice award for 
best new pizzeria in new york!
go motorino!!

{i sat sheepishly in my seat as we are the champions blasted over the speakers,
 hoping that no one would find out that i voted for kesté... oops.
to know which was better though,
goodness they were so similar,
i'd have to try them again...}

oooh can it be friday night pizza night soon please?

37 to go...



motorino is located on 12th st and 1st ave, as well as at 319 graham ave in brooklyn
open sun-th 11am-12am
fri-sat 11am-1am

that time my stomach exploded.

this is not another april fool's joke.
in the 48 hours that mum was in town, we actually ate all of this:

every good explosion begins with poached eggs.
these ones on focaccia with spinach at
on broadway between 89th and 90th

dessert was a macarella
{macarella = nutella sandwiched between two coconut macaroons least we tried to keep kosher for passover?}

and as soon as we got down to the village,
we decided that the hot weather called for some
on bleecker and cornelia
red velvet cake yogurt and taro yogurt to be exact.
with strawbees and mochi, of course.

and i kid you not,
we literally sat on the bench outside of 
on bleecker accross from phileo
finishing off our yogurt,
so that we wouldn't have to bring it in with us to order a hot cross bun.
it was easter, after all.
...and as mentioned before, 
it was a definite room temperature cross bun. 
delicious and doughy and yeasty and tasty nonetheless. 
{i wanted a bread bunny too. but i'm allergic to bunnies}

schnitzel @ seasonal.
on 58th between 6th and 7th
more on this later.
but, duh, we friggen had schnitzel.

day two: the poached eggs were on english muffins this time at
on amsterdam and 79th
i had a lorraine omelet. 
they know their omelets, those nice people.

ok i swear we didn't eat all of these bomboloni from
on 68th and columbus
they were for the percussion ensemble concert dress rehearsal.
i only ate one. or seven. no really, just two.
and i think i made the alice tully stage hands love me.

dinner number one at
on amsterdam and 73rd
made me feel like i was in a cute vacation town.
we had a crispy focaccia sandwich with prosciutto and robiola cheese
that was superbly tangy...

...and gnocchi in a shape i've never seen gnocchi in before.
with fabulous out of this world red sauce.

dinner number two at
at east 12th and 1st
was at the golden section of mum's stay for good reason.
more on this later.

day three: poached eggs on scones the customary trip to 
at 73rd and columbus
where mum always gets coffee.
when will she learn?

this actually happened.

and that doesn't even include the fresh baked cookie bars that mum brought for me,
or all of the bread baskets,
or the amuse bouches...

seriously, we deserve a medal.
or a jenny craig membership.
{worth it.... soooooo worth it}

stay tuned for more details on a few of these for restaurant challenge posts!



things chicago has that new york has not {love to both though}

ok, new york's got:

out-of-this-world food stands

...but may chicago please have a few seconds of fame??

1. dim sum
i've been totally spoiled rotten with chicago dim sum all my life
{particularly furama}
that new york's just doesn't cut it, flavor wise or variety wise.

2. sisters
stoop in the center, mia on the right.
boy are they silly.

"you can pick your nose, 
and you can pick your friends,
but you can't pick your sisters."
-mia, as she picks her nose.

3. hot dogs
NUH UH said the big fat juicy chicago dog,
complete with a bazillion toppings.
and it's kosher.
and superdawg is one of america's last drive-ins. 

4. pizza
part of my soul dies every time i walk past 
on central park west.
there's really no place to get good chicago pizza other than chicago.
{unless you're like mum and you order twelve lou malnati's pizzas to be overnighted on dry ice to tampa}

5. extremely tall people of the male kind
roomie thinks it's the midwestern diet.
i think it's the dim sum.
but it's true, 
i tower over a majority of my guy friends in the east.
but in chicago?
i'm a munchkin.

6. a mediumly casual schnitzel
in new york, it's either, drup a hundo on a nice meal at wallsé,
or fear for your life eating on the street in front of schnitzel truck.
no in between.
chicago's got it,
at kuhn's

...and one thing i'm glad that new york doesn't have...

extremely mysterious restaurant names
i'm confused.
they don't give us anything to work with, like,
"bar and burger," "noodle bar," or even "bakery" tacked on the end.

either way,
chicago, you will forever be my home.
new york, you will forever be the city that i live in right now.
and i love you both.
but i am sad to leave home today :-(



pizza with a fork and knife {is still pizza}

ok i love new york pizza.
i could eat it every day and not get sick of it.

and i love that
 grease running down your arm,
scarf it down before you realize how many calories it is,
koronet is the motherland

 i must admit something.
{manhattan, plz don't h8}
i prefer chicago pizza.
as in,
i'd rather deprive myself for a month,
wait an hour for a table,
wait another hour for a pizza,
almost chop my finger off cutting the crust,
and then repeat.

why's does it always have to come in second place? 

my favorite french man adrien even flew across the pond just for a slice...

{adrien, don't look so scared}

a trip home is just not complete without some obnoxiously thick pizza.
{oh yeah, did i mention i'm home??}



photo shoot/pig out sesh on location at uno pizzeria in chicago
{p.s. "uno chicago grill" b.s. that makes appearances in boston, new york, etc, ain't got nothin on the original.}