other sweets


curry and coconut go together like the ondes martenot and an orchestra: a little bit unusual and totally wonderful. and that was really just a lame attempt at a relevant analogy since i am seeing a concert of messiaen tonight and couldn't be more excited. the idea for these came from all that delicious curry with the coconut milk in it and they are the perfect passover dessert. 

curry coconut macaroons

2 cups sweetened shredded coconut
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 large egg white
a pinch of salt

preheat oven to 350. in a small bowl combine coconut and curry powder. in a large bowl beat the egg white and salt until stiff peaks form. gently fold the coconut into the egg white. spoon onto a prepared cookie sheet* and bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.  

*i use an ice cream scoop since i like mine big, but you can use a smaller scoop if you'd like. if you do this, check the macaroons after 10 minutes because they will take a shorter time to bake. 



pi day is for jewish mothers and mathletes-in-past-lives to expose themselves shamelessly over {in descending order from favorite to least favorite}:

a) homemade (better than the real thing) momofuku crack pie
c) eggpie (or, quiche)
e) gluten-free/sugar-free/eggboy-friendly sweet potato pie

ad-lib talk of ponies, percussions, and many other things brought to us by the letter "p."



{with as much alliteration as possible.}
-teach pataflaflas.
-go to the library, check out vermont counterpoint.
-put out peanuts, pickles, cheese, and pilsners. and possibly pinot.
-practice the first 60 digits of pi for a good party trick.
-caramelize many many onions. in a pan.
-text mum to see if it's george gershwin's birthday.
-bake the sweet potato pie.
-bake the oatmeal pie.
-retrieve the crack pie from its cooling stage.
-eat pie with percussionists.




this morning when the pie* recipe told me to beat the butter and the sugar for one minute i thought what an enjoyable way to spend one full minute. and for the entire minute i thought of other enjoyable ways to spend one minute. here are some:

-do a plank that will remove some of the guilt of eating butter and sugar
-rinse and dry chickpeas {so that they can be toasted with salt and cumin}
-write a tweet or two
-send a little email to mum or anyone else
-look out the window and think of nothing
-draw a picture of a dream house
-fix a cup of tea for eggboy {i suppose this may go past the minute mark if you put a lot of water in your water boiler}
-clean the bathroom sink
-clean the butter dish
-do shavasana
-buy tickets for the bam planetarium

ok, what am i forgetting?


*pi day is coming, luke is on his way, and currently there are four different pies being prepared. i am so excited.