

{with as much alliteration as possible.}
-teach pataflaflas.
-go to the library, check out vermont counterpoint.
-put out peanuts, pickles, cheese, and pilsners. and possibly pinot.
-practice the first 60 digits of pi for a good party trick.
-caramelize many many onions. in a pan.
-text mum to see if it's george gershwin's birthday.
-bake the sweet potato pie.
-bake the oatmeal pie.
-retrieve the crack pie from its cooling stage.
-eat pie with percussionists.




over the weekend i ate hamantaschen and basically only hamantaschen.
i showered, i brushed my hair, i went to manhattan {things i don't often do on a weekend}.
eggboy and i went to a roller derby in gowanus {things we don't often do on a weekend}.
and we saw dave play xenakis and viñao {things i want to do way more often on a weekend}.

also this weekend i visited eggboy's apartment for the second time ever. {it has a pretty brick wall and a minnesota flag.}
the wind about knocked me horizontal.
and, look, a new feature began!
