
{recently et}

udon @ spring {what i ate on my one night off}
oh just getting into the spirit of things!
a crisp morning is an oatmeal morning.
a post-rehearsal midnight tamale.
which wouldn't have made me feel so barfy had it not
been preceded by a slice of two boots pizza.
after school special + celery soda @ joe dough
fried baloney + dijon + chips = totally aggressive.
not pictured: all the individually wrapped things i've resorted to.
it's been so much quick eating and food wrapped in foil these days.
i love working on the show, but i can't wait to have my evenings
free again, when i'll be able to stand over the stove for hours
and make something saucy and unbelievable that makes my apartment
smell like the angels farted.

honk honk sandwich

imagine your girl {the queen of everything doughy}
craving a crusty baguette like its the rose cafeteria honey mustard. maybs it was the jetlag, maybe it-- no actually it was because crust really does not exist in hong kong. in the grocery stores, yeah, bread has a dark brown layer around the edge, but the texture never changes. in restaurants? forget about it. twice i was tempted to ask them to leave the crust on, until i realized that, wait this is actually miraculous. {because crust is just one of those things i am obligato about since i turned eight and learned the meaning of tact...} so for my entire time in hk i didn't ask questions and indulged in extremely simple sandwiches on milk bread. none of them had mustard, but that is another story. here is a run down on the sammies i ate in hong kong:

pork, mayo, tomato {lan fong yuen, top photo}: hopefully you are either with someone who knows, or are thinking logically when you walk by a really long line that seems to be snaking around behind a rando milk tea stand. because you don't want to miss this little pork bun that looks like it should be in a happy meal, but tastes like you need eight more. 
egg, mayo, tomato {deli & wine, second from top}: something got lost in translation when i ordered this at breakfast time, expecting a breakfast sandwich. it was, in fact, my first exposure to egg salad.
egg {australia dairy company, third photo down}: by the time you've done your time on line, been hurried through a room packed with hong kongese families that is reminiscent of a jewish deli, sat at a tiny table with strangers, and directed to a menu completely in chinese, you are ready to shit your pants. but if you've done you're research, or have eyes, you know just to get the scrambled eggs with bread. you have no idea where these eggs are from or what is in them, but they are hands down the best scrambled eggs you've ever had.
beef brisket, special peanut sauce, steamed buns {crystal jade, bottom photo}: shocking. i would fly back to hk just to eat these.
can someone talk to me about why some countries are all about crust and others just aloof to the whole thing?

in memoriam: m. wells

and also: reason for why i am only 99% vegetarian
last week i said hello and goodbye to my new favorite:
m. wells
{which closes today}
forever i will remember the breakfast sandwich and the spaghetti sandwich as two of the tastiest and doughiest sandwiches i ever had. ohh how i fancied their bread! english muffins, soft squishy hamburger buns, squishy squishiness everywhere. j'adore. have you ever had a spaghetti sandwich?? neither had i. essentially, it eliminates the element of feeling awkward when you use your garlic bread as a utensil for spaghetti {that is a common thing, right?}.  
oh and the breakfast sandwich! it is like a giant, puffier, more interesting sausage mcmuffin. and i say that in the best possible way because my last breakfast on earth would include a sausage mcmuffin.
other dishes included: the hamburger. a juicy, yummy one. the tortilla. with shrimpies. hmmm. the egg souffle. which was random. am-i-in-japan random. 
i was sad to see that the classic quebecois dishes they were serving when they first opened weren't on the menu. but that's ok. i guess it had kind of morphed into a superdiner where all sorts of classic diner things and international things were magnified and yummy-/homemade-ified. it was so great and i am so sad that it is gone now.
oh! and this is what it looks like to eat with three extremely awesome food bloggers. eating with brianblondie, and donny was so silly because originally i was planning on finger painting pictures of the food when i got home, but then as each dish came out and no one could touch it until everyone had positioned and photographed it, i felt weird not taking pictures. 
so i did, and there they are.
i would say you should go to m. wells now... but sadly the best you'll be able to do is just think hard enough about the best breakfast sandwich that your imagination can come up with. and maybe, possibly, it will appear. 
frank the bunny-style.  
r.i.p. m. wells!

-yeh :-(

on going off the deep end

where little lunch components are all pre-packaged, pre-made, or something called a happy hippo.
almond butter packet, little beta carotenes, medium boiled, fromage, kinder happy hippo chocolate creme biscuit, gala, carrot's best friend, whole wheat challah.
not pictured: salt packet, the lean pocket that i plan on eating for dinner
...because when all hours of your life these days are taken up with so many marimbas, vibraphones, the mozart requiem, don juan, burleske, soldier's tale, kurtag, atonal quizzes, #dwg, parler francais, the elliptical, john adams, and facebook:
there is just way not enough time to prepare, a sandwich.
and perhaps what i really need in my lunch sac is a napkin with a note that reads,
dear self,
have a good day, honey. 
only nine more weeks till gradiation. 
love, self. 
