
brooklyn star

last night i had a yummy dinner 
with an amazing group of people
in a beautiful and spacious and acoustically friendly room.
it was so joyful!
too often in restaurants in this city, i go bonkers over feeling like my personal space bubble has been popped or like i have to yell to be heard... 
and in those cases, i might as well just have a plate of poo in front of me.
but last night, it was like being back home, where elbow room exists and conversation quality can reach a good height. 
oh it was so great. 
and the food was wonderful, too!
when donny said fried chicken dinner i thought better bike a million miles this week but with all of the delicious sweet/sour pickles, green beans {which may have been soaked in aminal fat?} and watermelons to even out the heaviness of the mac and cheese, cornbread, and chickens, 
i felt like a good $500,000 bucks afterwards. 
it's experience meals like these that fill my happy bank and then some.

slow down and eat some mac and cheese

on the facebook feed of life:
my-aged people are married.
 younger people, people born in the 90s, are engaged.
people are winning big, grand orchestra jobs.
and my mother is a grandma {to a dog, but still}.
last night i donned purple juicy velour pants 
and ate eight kinds of macaroni and cheese.
is that immature?
am i too old to have a penguin collection and sock monkey sheets?
should my birthday cake-flavored sparkly lipgloss be tossed?
should i dye my gray strand of hair?
what is this insanity that is growing up and having a job.
what is happening.


{that picture is from dumont burger, november 2009}