
missings & unmissings

maybe these can arrive in my next care packeege? maybe? maybe?
tanglewood :: ravinia :: la jolla summerfest :: etc
==> loebwiches + leonore + counting the little picnic tables
air conditioning
waking to the sweet smell of bread in the oven
the molly mobile
a midwestern accent
fresh herbs, fresh veggies
my people
jo snow soda and kimchi grilled cheese with my people
talking shop {kidding... kind of}
or rather, some things i will definitely miss when i leave
bird calls in the place of taxi rumblies
that it's not weird for 90% of my correspondence to be via snail mail
"i'm smelly, you're smelly too. one more day without a shower is fiiiine."
easy access to a ceramics studio
the lack of technologies
the dining hall stuffing
my new people
devouring all of the cookie cakes from visiting day with my new people


costumes & carnival

{1} shut up, inner-vegetarian. 
{2} l-r: salmon roll melissa, veggie roll molly, tuna roll sabrina
{3} but the oompa loompas won the costume contest :-o
{4} best friends
{5} a chilean miner + a blow up thing
{6} missing kenka // a new found love for cotton candy


counselors eating ice cream

to my campers:
when your counselors are not o.d.,
they do not go to the library, or to smooch boys.
they don't do what that terrible shots song tells you to do,
and no you cannot give us money to get you cup noodles from wal-mart.
your counselors are at the ice cream stand.
we're sampling as many flavors as we can,
including cannoli and pistachio and piece of cake!
and we're arguing over the pronunciation of caramel.
which, to all of you east-coasters, it is not kerramel. it is car-mle. 
don't worry about us, we're having a jolly good time. so get on your nintendo devices and lights out is in fifteen minutes!
counselor molly

the flaky bagel crunch {a step-by-step d.i.y.}

breakfast is really sad here. it's like... plain bagel, cereal, plain bagel, scoop of egg, plain bagel, plain bagel, maybe a scone. if you're not creative, you'll be sadder than the youngest camper the night after visiting day. luckily my co-counselor melissa has introduced me to the flaky bagel crunch, which is giving me so much culinary excitement right now. and it's not just camp good, it's real-life good. i think. it's sweet, texturally complex, and very comforting... so put on the reveille, apply the bug spray and give this a go:
1. after morning line-up, speed walk into the dining hall before your campers get there to claim one of the few bowls of frosted flakes. also, grab a cream cheese and half a bagel {but those aren't as hot a commodity, so don't stress}.
hi, co-counselor melissa!
2. apply the cream cheese to the bagel. and give your bagel a little pinch... you've hit the jackpot if it's pillowy soft. 
3. sprinkle on just enough frosted flakes to make one even layer. 
 4. and...enjoy! prepare yourself for an emotional beating from your campers for eating such a silly thing. combat this by making them one, because they will fall instantly in love. 
