molly yeh

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et: nice

1. quiche better than mum's {sorry mum} at the cours saleya.
2. maria's obsession, in warm colors.
3. you can't go to france and not have a crepe, right? right.
4. check out the crust on that baguette, yo.

i'm just gonna give you a list. because what maria and i ate in nice is absolutely the most insane thing in the world ever. ever. over the course of two and a half days we definitely each consumed a mass equivalent to three six-year-olds. and it was all outstanding. and it was all cheap because rather than give into bougey french cuisine, we just walked around the entire time, ducking into markets and patisseries and getting little snackees everywhere we went. ok are you ready? this is what we ate:
approximately 20 macarons, 2 quiches, gelato {in cactus, beer, calisson, almond, pistachio, lychee, pecan, and peach}, a croque monsieur, a croque brie, pain au chocolat, like 4 sandwiches au jambon, pringles au jambon {yeah, ham pringles}, a nutella crepe, a calisson cookie, a burger at the pub, pommes frites + mayo mmmmm, focaccia, socca {a traditional niçoise chickpea pancake that looks like a crepe but tastes like a latke}, an onion pizza thing, baguettes galore with the knock off nutella at the hostile, tarts, eclairs, dinosaurs... you get the idea. 
everything was so insanely good except for the beer gelato. but still. i think i'll move to france.


if you're going to nice, here's a list of places we got food from and liked:
fenocchio: gelato in like ten trillion flavors, including tomato basil, avocado, and that nasty beer... the almond and pistachio were soooo good though.
chez rene socca: this is the place to get a socca, so says the guide books...
picard: it is this space age grocery store that has every food you could ever want {including soup dumplings and macarons and sushi}, but every single thing is frozen. really bizarre and a nightmare if you don't have a microwave. but cool. 
la fougasserie: out of the million macarons that we tried, this place had the best. 
cours saleya: a yummy outdoor market! more on this later...